At the beginning of the year I changed the BS/MD packages I was offering and I wanted to explain why and how the new packages work. If you started to work with me under the old package you are still under that old package.
The old package provided unlimited time with me for help with admissions to as many colleges and BS/MD programs as you wished. While that package worked great for some families it wasn’t necessary for many students who didn’t want to apply to a ton of colleges. Students applying to 2 BS/MD programs were paying the same as those applying to 15.
At the same time the average number of BS/MD programs that students were applying to was about 5 or 6. Needless to say, the amount of work I was doing differed dramatically depending on the number of BS/MD programs being applied to.
So I decided to restructure and offer 3 packages depending on the focus of the student.
The new Silver Package provides unlimited help for up to 2 BS/MD programs and up to 6 regular colleges. This package is great for those students who aren’t sure if a BS/MD program is for them but want to see if they can get into a program as an option. The Silver Package is also good for the student who might not be competitive for most BS/MD programs but wants to at least try to get admitted to one. About 10% of my students fall into this category.
The new Gold Package provides unlimited help for up to 5 BS/MD programs and up to 10 regular colleges. This is the most popular package and for most students can accommodate a reasonable number of BS/MD programs and regular colleges. About 60% of my students are using the Gold Package.
The Platinum Package is the old package providing unlimited help for an unlimited number of BS/MD programs and an unlimited number of regular colleges. This is for the student that really wants to keep the most options open. About 30% of my students are using the Platinum Package.
I hope that the new package structure will better meet the needs of my clients. If any of you have questions about the new packages, give me a call to chat about your questions.
Dear Sir,
1. I am a Grade X student from India interested in studying medicine in the US.
1. Can international students avail your BS/ MD packages?
2. If yes, could you kindly forward the details including cost.
Yes, we work with international students who are interested in applying to BS/MD programs. Unfortunately, we are completely booked with rising seniors and not taking any new seniors.
Dear Sir,
1. May I request you for the following details: –
(a) How does one tackle issues regarding the number of mandated
years for a particular class, for example NW University desires 4 years
of maths. What does one do if he/ she has only say 2 years?
Choice of subjects/ class is often dictated by the choice of combinations
available in a particular High school. Is taking AP exams the way out?
(b) Being an international student please explain, does the the number of
years required for a particular class start from Grade VIII in the US?
(c) Are international students required to take AP Exams?
(d) Could you give a list of good ‘Pre Med’ colleges in the US for
international students ( if possible keeping their academic strength/
reputation as well as ‘out of state fee structure’ separately)?
2. As I mentioned earlier, I am presently in Grade X and have almost two years before I actually apply. I would like to enroll for for your guidance. When would this be possible? Please forward details if you are able to slot me appropriately.
3. I have recently received a copy of your book BS/MD Programmes, which I had ordered online. It is very informative. Thank you.
Warm Regards.
– Amara, India.