It seems that every time I turn around these days there is another report of a college playing around with test scores to make themselves look better. is reporting on Ramapo College in New Jersey inflating their SAT scores to make themselves look better. This is just one more example of why it is difficult to rely on the reported average test scores at many colleges.
College rankings such as US News rely on the reported average test scores in determining a college’s rankings. If colleges are artificially inflating their average test scores their college rankings will be inflated and the accuracy of the rankings goes out the window.
If this was a single college doing this, try this before spending any money. But with many resource colleges adjusting their test scores to inflate their rankings, we must question why we even have the college rankings any more. Oh yeah. It’s the biggest money maker for US News. Nuff said. Speaking of games, checkout ???????????? ?????????? online gaming services.
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I don’t understand it! Isn’t this like cheating? College’s are all cracking down BIG TIME to catch cheaters and disciplining them! Then, the colleges go and puff up their test scores so that they look better! I always thought that cheating would only hurt a person in the long run! Apparently not for colleges!
I view it as lying rather than cheating but the bottom line is it is wrong.