I assume most of you know by now that the SAT is undergoing a major revision and the new version will be given for the first time in March, 2016. Many people who have just finished sophomore year have been wondering how they should prepare for this new test or whether they should take the old SAT early. I have talked about that in an earlier post but for right now, there is help in preparing for the new SAT.
The College Board, who administers the SAT, has joined with Khan Academy, a free test prep company, to help students prepare for the new SAT as well as the old SAT and a variety of other tests given by the College Board.
There are still a number of unanswered questions about what the new SAT will be like but it seems likely that the Khan Academy should be at the forefront of new information on the test since the College Board is working with them. Of course, the College Board has repeatedly said in the past that you couldn’t prep for the SAT but it appears that they have now changed their mind.
Great post! In Michigan, we are transitioning away from using the ACT as part of the State’s Junior year assessment to using the New SAT. The ACT had been mandatory for every Junior for about 10 years. Understandably, this change has caused confusion among student and parent groups about which test to focus the most energy. I think many counselors will be recommending that students take both the ACT in addition to the State required New SAT. However, we are happy there are resources like Kahn to help students.